Friday, August 20, 2010


Dear readers,

First and foremost, apologies for the lazy posting. I have recently moved from ever so lively Gwyer Hall to another hostel, the International Student House, which has caused some extra inconvenience, thus preventing me from updating the journal.While waiting for another proper entry, here's the last month in pictures.

Here's where it all begins, my home metro station. The name Vishwa Vidyalaya means "university" in Hindi, or if translated literally, "the universal house of knowledge", a prime example of the superfluity that's embedded in  the fabric of Indian everyday.

The concrete jungle is indeed overwhelming for a green Delhiite and naivigating during the first few days proved to be a challenge. Fortunately, Dan, our adept geographer, equipped himself with a map and was able to locate us again (almost, at least).

The lush entrance to the Gwyer Hall hostel, my former residence.

The pouring monsoon caused serious flooding in the hostel inner yard, emphasizing its tropical atmosphere. Unfortunately, the humidity was fruitful breeding ground for mosquitoes as well.

A view from the rooftop.

My humble (former) room. Described in more detail in the first post.

The backyard pet monkey, which I decided to name Barry, as it did not seem to have a name. Judging by the look on Barry's face, he did not seem too happy to be photographed while having lunch.

 Barry spends most of his time observing hostel life from his tree.

My everyday meal for the last month: roti bread, raw onions, cucumbers and curry potatoes with okra served with dal (lentil soup) and rice. Simple, yet nourishing and delicious.

Someone is clearly not happy with the way Nelson treats the hostel computers.

A sleepy monkey starts his daily grind of primate shenanigans in the early hours, as the city awakes.

The kiosk at the metro station. The bearded man in the back is sitting on a pedestal legs crossed in a lotus position holding a huge stack of money he gives to the cashiers whenever they need change.

Old and new meet seamlessly in the daily traffic. The placard in the background is advertising anti-ragging affidavits, which is a document that certifies that the student will not engage in an act of ragging, which apparently has become a severe issue in the Delhi University campus as the senior students have shamelessly abused freshmen.

Delhi University has also launched a fervent anti-smoking campaign supported by some rather vivid artwork.

The animal loving people Indians are, the university surroundings are teaming with all sorts of wildlife. Dogs are particularly common and they are allowed to roam free in the campus area.

Nappy Puppy & Bike

The streets of Delhi are also filled with all manner of two to eight legged creatures. This cow decided to express his frank opinion on private automobiles in a more subtle way. Hopefully the owner was not in a hurry.

Similarly, this dog decided to use public space creatively.

Delhi is a huge city, especially for a street dog. Unfortunately the auto-rickshaw driver did not budge from his no-canines policy.

Delhi is a rough place for a foreigner with all sorts of dangers lurking on every street corner. Luckily, the local homeboys got our back. 

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